GSC-3 Kyongju Meeting
GSC-3 Final Report
GSC-EDH #10/8
Brief Report of the RAST-4
Final Report of the RAST-4 (RTF)


RESOLUTION 1 (Kyongju): Global Information Infrastructure Standards
RESOLUTION 2 (Kyungju) : Relations with Forums and Consortia
RESOLUTION 3 (Kyungju) : Conformity Assessment and Quality of Standards
RESOLUTION 4 (Kyungju) : Intellectual Property Rights
RESOLUTION 5 (Kyungju) : EDH
RESOLUTION 6 (Kyongju) : High Interest Subjects and Areas of General Interest

ANNEX 1 Resolution 1
RESOLUTION 1(Kyongju) : Global Information Infrastucture Standards

The Global Standards Collaboration Meeting (Kyungju, 1996),

In regards to the Global Information Infrastructure (GII)

a) that national/regional standardization bodies have national/regional roles, and information is shared through the GSC.
b) that the standards aspects of GII should be addressed at a global level through the established /existing global bodies.
c) that the ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Sector has taken a lead in cooperative activities with the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 - so that telecommunications and information technology issues are addressed in a coordinated way.
d) that joint activities on GII involving the ITU/ISO/IEC and others, have taken place since GSC-2
e) that a representative at the JTC1 was invited to attend GSC-3 (Kyongju, 1996) and participated in the discussions

that as GII will continue to be a very significant part of discussions at GSC-4 to be held in Nice, March/April, 1998.

a representative of the JTC1 to attend GSC-4 and take part in futher discussions.

ANNEX 1 Resolution 2
RESOLUTION 2 (Kyungju) : Relations with Forums and Consortia

The Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Kyongju, 1996),

recalled that
In regards to relations with the Forums and Consortia

a) that at their first meeting in Melbourne in March 1994, GSC had established several working principles which encouraged exchanges of information with Forums and Consortia , and
b) that the results of a comprehensive survey by the Telecommunication Technology Committee of Japan (TTC) were presented at GSC-2 in Ottawa,
c) that GSC-2 had resolved to continue to explore relationships and to report on their experiences at the next meeting in Kyongju.

As a consequence, at the GSC-3 the results were reported and in particular a revised version of the survey was presented in Kyongju by the TTC of Japan.

and reached the following conclusions :

a) the GSC partners recognize that the Forums and Consortia are a growing and important part of the dynamic communications environment.
b) the partners welcome the presence of Forums and Consortia as a major mechanism for providing input from users and other sources to the development of communications standards, and for assisting early implementation of standards after they have been developed .
c) The GSC partners strongly support the development of links between themselves and appropriate Forums, and support the moves in ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) to build a mechanism for communications between Study Group and those Forums and Consortia working in related areas.
d) the GSC partners note that the majority of Forums and Consortia will be users of the standards produced by the GSC partners, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and other international Standardization organizations, and that Forums are a unique source of information on user requirements for standards.
e) in particular, the GSC partners noted the importance of the work of the ATM Forum, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Digital Audio-Visual Council (DAVIC) in relation to standards development.


it was also noted that a limited number of the Forum and Consortia produce specifications which should be considered for adoption in the development of standards.


1) relationships with these particular Forums and Consortia should also promote coordination to minimize overlapping activities and hence maximize the use of the limited resources available for standards production.
2) GSC partners should provide to the TTC any revisions they may have to the survey.

ANNEX 1 Resolution 3
RESOLUTION 3 (Kyungju) : Conformity Assessment and Quality of Standards

The Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Kyongju, 1996),

In regards to Conformity Assessment and Quality of Standards

a) the standards community make full use of the available computer-aided techniques in the development and application of protocol and conformance testing standards.
b) the ETSI guide [Making better standards, practical ways to greater efficiency and success] is a useful source of information on this topic

a) Formal Description Technique can cover those difficulties in Traditional Test Methods, and also use of FDTs can make automation possible.
b) GSC PSOs should take more interest in Interconnectivity and Interoperability Testing.

1) to adopt Formal Description Techniques (FDT) and Validation and Verification (V&V) in the standardization process. A complete standard should contain four factors which are Standards/Specification expressed in FDT, an Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS), a Proforma and an Abstract Test Suite (ATS).
2) that Interoperability and Interconnectivity testing should be considered as one important factor of Conformity Assessment.
that [Concurrent Standardization] is for further study.

ANNEX 1 Resolution 4
RESOLUTION 4 (Kyungju) : Intellectual Property Rights

The Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Kyongju, 1996),

In regards to Intellectual Property Rights
a) that at its first GSC-1 meeting (Melbourne), the PSOs resolved to continue their exchanges of information and sharing of experience in relation to policies and procedures for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
b) that the second GSC-2 (Ottawa) resolved to continue the exchange of information and sharing of experiences on this matter and to report at a future GSC meeting, and
c) that recent experiences in various standards organizations on Patent and Copyright matters have shown the increasing importance, as well as difficulty, in handling the IPRs associated with standards;

1) that the GSC PSOs continue to exchange ideas, information and suggestions on policies and procedures for handling patents and other intellectual property rights related to standards,
2) that more attention be given to the copyright status of input documents and that each PSO provide a clear statement of policy for licensing the copyright of the documents it publishes, and
3) that the PSOs name Experts to form and ad hoc e-mail group jointly with the TSAG Ad-hoc group on Patent Matters for the purposes of information exchange and informal discussion by correspondence.

ANNEX 1 Resolution 5
RESOLUTION 5 (Kyungju) : EDH

The Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Kyongju, 1996),

in regards to collaboration among the Participating Standardization Organizations that EDH methods have proved most useful in carrying out liaison among PSOs on priority issues

that it has been a long standing objective of the GSC to employ EDH for its information sharing needs

that PSO members make every efforts to use the GSC Server, provided by ETSI, to support the GSC information sharing objectives.

ANNEX 1 Resolution 6
RESOLUTION 6 (Kyongju) : High Interest Subjects and Areas of General Interest

The Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Kyongju, 1996),

In regards to collaboration among the Participating Standardization Organizations on high interest subjects and areas of general interest

a) that priority consideration has been given to seven high interest subjects, B-ISDN, IN, SDH/SONET, TMN, UPT, FPLMTS and Multimedia,
b) that liaison rapporteurs have been identified by PSOs to facilitate ongoing collaboration efforts ,
c) that EDH methods have proved most useful in carrying out liaison among PSOs on priority issues;
d) that the intensity of the SDH/SONET standards activity has abated.
e) that several issues regarding UPT and FPLMTS have converged.
f) that wireless aspects of Intelligent Networks are attracting great attention.

a) that GSC-3 reviewed the status of activities on the high interest subjects, and concluded that collaboration should continue on them as deemed appropriate by the PSOs,
b) that GSC-3 confirmed two areas of general interest, Global Information Infrastructure (GII) and Conformity Assessment for ongoing collaboration;

1) to discontinue SDH/SONET as a high interest subjects.
2) to merge UPT and FPLMTS into a single high interest subject
3) to expand to IN high interest subject to include Wireless Intelligent Networks (WIN)
4) to continue to give priority to five high interest subjects : B-ISDN, IN/WIN, TMN, Mobility (UPT/FPLMTS), and Multimedia.
5) to continue to give priority to the two areas of general interest : GII and Conformity Assessment.