GSC-3 Kyongju Meeting
GSC-3 Final Report
GSC-EDH #10/8
Brief Report of the RAST-4
Final Report of the RAST-4 (RTF)

Global Standards Collaboration (GSC-3) Meeting
Kyongju, Korea, 2-3 September 1996

* Source: GSC-3 EDH Rapporteur, Mr. Hendrickx
* Date: 3 September 1996
* Title: Minutes of GSC-EDH Meeting No. 10 - Held in Kyongju, Korea, 2-3 September 1996


* Mr. Henri Hendrickx, ETSI, Chairman of GSC-EDH
* Mr. Hyoung-Jun Kim, TTA, Secretary
* Mr. Harold Daugherty, Committee T1
* Mr. Les Davey, ATSC
* Mr. Ray Hapeman, Committee T1
* Mr. Akio Ihara, TTC
* Mr. Ki-Beom Lee, TTA
* Mr. Bob Lions, ATSC
* Mr. Bill McCrum, TSACC
* Mr. Os Monkewich, TSACC
* Mr. Ki-Shik Park, TTA
* Mr. Henry J.F. Ryan, ISO/IEC JTC1
* Mr. Satoru Toknaga, TTC

1. Opening

Mr. Henri Hendrickx welcomed everyone to Kyungju, Korea and invited Mr. Hyoung- Jun Kim, TTA, to say a few words. Mr. Kim on behalf of TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association of Korea) welcomed the delegates to Korea.

Mr. Hendrickx particularly welcomed Mr. Henry J.F. Ryan from the ISO/IEC JTC1. He then asked everyone to present themselves.

2. Adoption of Draft Agenda

Mr. Hendrickx indicated that the Agenda had been distributed to members with the announcement of the GSC-3 meeting. The Agenda was approved with no modifications (See Annex 1) [GSC-EDH #10/1]
3. Approval of the GSC-EDH # 9 Minutes [GSC-EDH 9/10]

The Rapporteur for the GSC-EDH Meeting No. 9 was Mr. Jean-Yves Fortin from TSACC. The Minutes were adopted as presented.

4. Participation Review

Mr. Hendrickx asked member organizations to identify the GSC-EDH contact member. Following is the revised list of contact members:

ATSC Mr. L. Davey
ETSI Mr. H. Hendrickx
ITU- R Mr. L. Goelzer
ITU-TSB Ms. Fameliadou
T1 Committee Mr. H. Daugherty
TSACC Mr. G. Williams
ITU-TSAG Mr. R. Smith
TTC Mr. A. Ihara
TTA Mr. H. J. Kim
5. Progress Report on EDH-related Activities since GSC-2

Mr. Hendrickx identified the various contributions received as well as those handed in at the meeting and assigned a number. See the GSC-EDH Document Register [Annex 2].

Mr. Hendrickx invited each delegate to present a report of their activities since the last GSC-EDH meeting.

Committee T1 - Telecommunication, USA [GSC-EDH #10/6, GSC-3/96-5]

Mr. Harold Daugherty reported that Committee T1 utilizes T1BBS (T1 Bulletin Board System) to facilitate their standards development process. He noted that the name does not truly denote the system capabilities i.e., it is much more than a bulletin board system. The system is managed by an EDH Standing Committee whose key members included Technical Sub-Committee Information Directors. There is an EDH Oversight Committee that approves funding for T1BBS and oversees the enhancements/on-going maintenance of T1BBS and other electronic processes. The two main improvements since the last GSC include standardization on document format (Adobe Acrobat Reader) and enhancements to the World Wide Web Site. Mr. Daugherty indicated that the usage of T1BBS has increased from just above 2000 access per week to about 7000 access per week 1995 over 1996 - 350% increase. Last week the Committee T1 Advisory Group approved electronic distribution of Draft Standards which will soon be followed by complete electronic balloting. Mr. Daugherty concluded by noting that Committee T1 is utilizing T1BBS to both improve the standards development process as well as a means to reduce costs.
TTA - Telecommunications Technology Association, Korea [GSC-EDH #10/3, GSC- 3/96-41]

Mr. Hyoung-Jun KIM from TTA presented the contribution regarding the up-to-date progress of TTA/EDH since last GSC-2 meeting and the new Web Home Page which supports access to the Korean domestic standards, TTA standards approved and general meeting report within TTA. Since the 2nd GSC meeting, TTA/EDH Committee has held 4 meetings and 1 internal workshop which focused on extending the TTA database and on discussing the interworking between the TTA EDH system and other domestic IT&T organizations. And TTA had announced its TTA Web Home Page ( in August, 1996 and the English version of the system is now under construction. Lastly, Mr.Kim mentioned the future policy of EDH in TTA such as common interchange format of standard documents and charging policy. Especially, TTA is considering allowing access to the TTA EDH system free of charge because of the wider electronic use of domestic standards in Korea.

TTC - Telecommunication Technology Committee, Japan [GSC-EDH #10/4, GSC- 3/96-9]

Mr. Akio Ihara was happy to report that in April 1996 TTC established a homepage and an English version was opened July 1996. Included on the homepage are the TTC Meeting Calendar, Medium-term Standardization Projects, TTC Documents' List, and TTC English Documents Order Form.

ASTC - Australian Telecommunication Standardization Committee

Mr. Davey advised that he was now the ATSC contact replacing Mr. John Haydon who is now doing other duties at AUSTEL. Plans to establish an ATSC WWW site in the 1995/96 Financial Year were not realized. It is now expected that an ATSC WWW site will be established in 1996/97 FY. In the interim the AUSTEL WWW site ( provides some information on ATSC activities. Mr. Davey agreed to advise participants when the ATSC WWW site is established. The existing ATSC dial-up BBS continues to operate.
TSACC - Telecommunications Standards Advisory Council of Canada [GSC-EDH #10/7, GSC-3/96-21]

Mr. Bill McCrum reported that the TSACC Web site is found at It supports TSACC members information requirements and committee work, and points to other relevant web sites, e.g., PSO members. A number of useful services are now available including a document annotation service, secure areas for draft documents, and mail reflector services. Future plans include the addition of interactive uploading, teleconference facilities, video broadcast of TSACC plenary sessions, and multimedia sessions for Working Groups. The TSACC web site received two 1996 Canadian Internet Society Awards.

ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute [GSC-EDH #10/2, GSC-3/96- 33]

Mr. Hendrickx reported that since the last GSC meeting a number of enhancements have been made to their information management system. This includes faster connection to the internet (i.e., 512 kbs instead of 64 kbs), a database to register and follow-up user requests, migration to Windows 95, Windows NT on servers, moving e-mail to Microsoft Exchange, addition of Video-Conferencing facilities, utilization of Adobe Acrobat Reader, and prototype Web server implemented to link all GSC PSOs.
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Status

Mr. Ryan provided a brief history and outline summary of the current JTC 1 adoption of information technology.

JTC 1 resolved to eliminate hardcopy distribution in 1994. Since then JTC 1 and each of its SC and SG Secretariats have moved very successfully to electronic mail and diskette for larger documents. A hardcopy option is available to JTC 1 member bodies on request. The natural decision to eliminate disk distribution and to move to a full on-line web document pull service was made by JTC 1 at its March 1996 meeting. In the interim two years the rich experience gained has been reflected in the latest revision (version 3.0) of the JTC 1 Guidelines for Electronic Documentation.

The first SC to implement this full on-line service (hardcopy and disk still available on request) is JTC1/SC29. This lead is a precursor to the more widespread adoption and roll-out within JTC 1.

The JTC 1/ Ad Hoc on GII SWG-GII adopted full electronic document distribution using simple mail reflector software from its foundation in June 1995. The successor JTC1/SWG-GII has also adopted a similar full electronic on-line document management system.

In addition to electronic document management SWG-GII and some other ad-hoc groups have progressed their work plans through regular scheduled audioteleconferences.

SWG-GII also has a web based forum discussion and document repository facility. This is available and its adoption by the SWG is planned and scheduled following some hands on experience at the next SWG-GII meeting, Sept 25-27 1996.

A pilot implementation of a JTC 1 web facility involving select SCs and supported directly by ISO/CS is already underway. The full implementation of the JTC 1 web page and pointers to its subsidiary bodies and other organizations in liaison., is one of the items to be resolved at the JTC 1 Ad Hoc on Implementing Information Technology which meets in London during the week commencing 30 September 1996.
6. GSC Information Server
Mr. Hendrickx presented a proposal for a GSC Information Server that would contain information on GSC PSOs. Primarily the information would be provided via links to GSC participants homepages (i.e., ATSC, TTC, TTA, T1, TSACC, ETSI, and ITU). ETSI has established a homepage with the following table of contents:

List of high interest areas and rapporteurs
Work Programme
GSC meeting reports
Calendars of meetings

Very little information would actually be maintained on the ETSI GSC homepage but would be provided via links. For example, to access the GSC-2 Meeting report you would link to the TSACC homepage which contains all the relevant information. The same holds true for calendars of meetings - Mr. Hendrickx provided an example of Committee T1's calendar which would be displayed via access to T1's homepage.

The consensus of the group was to proceed with the plan as outlined by Mr. Hendrickx.

Mr. Hendrickx then canvassed the group on their willingness to share their work programme. Each PSO representative agreed to provide this the relevant URLs to Mr. Hendrickx as soon as it was available.

7. Common Interchange Format

Mr. Hendrickx opened the floor for discussion of Common Interchange Format. Mr. Daugherty proposed that Adobe Acrobat Reader utilizing the Portable Document Format (PDF) was being used by nearly all of the participants and that for now the GSC-EDH group utilize this format. The group agreed with Mr. Daugherty's assessment and recommendation.
8. Common Mechanism for Contribution Submissions for Future Meetings

Mr. Hendrickx asked the group if we should develop a common mechanism for submitting contributions at future GSC meetings. Mr. Daugherty proposed that contributions are today submitted electronically, as was done with TTA for GSC-3, and it would be helpful if this information were available to all participants. Mr. Daugherty added that following this meeting he would take the EDH contributions and forward to Committee T1 EDH Working Group for their use. He added that it would be helpful if he could do this electronically. Mr. Hendrickx indicated he would look into storing the EDH contributions on the ETSI Server. Mr. Daugherty indicated that if Mr. Hendrickx ran into any difficulty doing this that Committee T1 would offer its server for GSC contributions.
Mr. Hendrickx thanked him for his offer but did not think he would have a problem implementing this solution.
9. Any Other Business

Mr. Hendrickx asked if any member of the group had closing thoughts or comments.
Mr. Akio Ihara thanked Mr. Hendrickx as well as others in the group for his efforts in establishing the GSC homepage.
Mr. Daugherty noted that a number of the standards bodies around the table were moving towards electronic balloting. A number of issues have been pointed out such as system resources needed to download documents, voter authentication, and duplication of ballots. Mr. Daugherty suggested that the next steps for this group may be to share information on the various implementations of electronic balloting.
The group agreed with Mr. Daugherty's suggestion.


"PSO's are encouraged to share information, via the GSC server, on concerns, progress, experiences, and results of using EDH for balloting including security aspects, document distribution, and any other new electronic services used to support their standards activities"
10. Report Generation for GSC Plenary Meeting

Mr. Henri Hendrickx proposed that the slides he used to present the GSC Information Server could serve as his presentation to the GSC. The group agreed with his proposal.

RESOLUTION (Proposed for adoption by GSC):

"The GSC resolves that PSO members make every effort to use the GSC server provided by ETSI to support the GSC information sharing objectives."

The following is proposed for the EDH section of the GSC-3 Communique:
The GSC EDH has established a GSC server provided by ETSI to support the GSC information requirements. The GSC server will link all GSC participants homepages and provide an information resource to access previous and upcoming GSC Meetings. The EDH Group will utilize the system to share experiences and results of using EDH for balloting, document distribution, and any other new electronic services used to support their standards activities.

The GSC server should also be used to keep the minimum basic GSC-related information such as:

* List and coordinates of participating organizations (PSOs)
* List of GSC High Interest Areas and Rapporteurs
* GSC Minutes (Either by pointing to the existing ones or by scanning the previous reports)
* If desired, to hold RAST-related information

Further GSC-EDH actions are to:

* Implement the GSC Server in operational phase
* Allow better exchange of information on the work programme of the PSOs (subject to their relevant information sharing policies)
* Work on a unified contribution submission mechanism for subsequent GSC Meetings
* Identify areas where GSC-EDH collaboration could facilitate harmonized developments leading to more efficient and cost effective use of Information Technology and Telecommunications Facilities (e.g., Electronic Balloting)

11. Closing of the Meeting

The Chairman thanked members for their active participation and their contributions. He thanked Mr. Kim for acting as Secretary and TTA for the excellent facilities offered for the GSC-EDH meeting and the web access used for the various demonstrations. The GSC-EDH meeting no. 10 was closed at 12:00, 3 September, 1996.
Annex 1

3rd Global Standards Collaboration Meeting (GSC-3)
Korea - Kyungju, 2-6 September 1996

GSC-3-EDH Meeting #10
2-3 September 1996 - 09:00

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Draft Agenda
3. Approval of the GSC-EDH #9 minutes
4. Participation review
5. Progress report on EDH-related activities since GSC-2
6. GSC Information Server
6.1. Contents
* List of high interest areas + rapporteurs
* Work Programme
* GSC meetings report
* Calendars of meetings
* Contributions 6.2. Access and Information policy
6.3. Demonstration
7. Common interchange format
7.1. Demonstration
8. Common mechanism for contribution submissions for future meetings
9. Any Other Business
10. Report generation for GSC plenary meeting
11. Closing of the meeting
Annex 2

3rd Global Standards Collaboration Meeting (GSC-3)
Korea - Kyungju, 2-6 September 1996

Document Register
GSC-3-EDH Meeting #10
2 -3 September 1996 - 09:00

GSC-EDH #10/1 GSC-3-EDH Meeting #10 Agenda
GSC-EDH #10/2 Report on EDH-related ETSI activities
GSC-EDH #10/3 Report on TTA Activities
GSC-EDH #10/4 TTC Home Page
GSC-EDH #10/5 Liaison Rapporteurs in High Interest Areas of GSC (ETSI Contribution)
GSC-EDH #10/6 Electronic Data Handling (EDH) - Status Report (Committee T1 Contribution)
GSC-EDH #10/8 Minutes of GSC-EDH Meeting No. 10 - Held in Kyungju, Korea, 2-3 September 1996