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[The 103rd ICT Standardization Technical Assembly] Notice of Adoption and Withdrawal of TTA Standards
작성일 :
TTA announces the adoption and withdrawal of TTA Standards as a result of the 103rd ICT Standardization Technical Assembly(TA) held on the 30th of June, 2023, as follows:
(Date of adoption and withdrawal of TTA Standards: 2023.6.30.)

1. Adoption of TTA Standards
: total 17 Standards with ‘Quality Verification for Semantic Accuracy of Voice and Text Data in Korean’ etc.

- Please refer to the Adoption Notice of 17 TTA Stardards* in Korean : See Notice no.1023 @ and the list is shown @
*TTA Standards(Deliverables) in English can be found @

2. Withdrawal of TTA Standards
: total 11 Standards with ‘A Recording Method of System Alarm for Intelligent Video Analysis System’ etc.

- Please refer to the withdrawal list of 11 TTA Stardards @

Regarding the Standards above, whoever recognizes or retains essential or potentially essential IPRs(Intellectual Property Rights) in the adopted Standards, such as SEPs(Standards Essential Patents), he/she shall submit TTA IPR Recognition/Declaration Form on the webpage( with the original document containing signature or seal.