TTA Deliverables

표준자료검색 상세보기 - 표준종류, 표준번호, 구 표준번호, 제개정일, 한글 표준명, 영문 표준명, 한글 내용요약, 영문 내용요약, 관련 IPR 확약서, 관련파일, 표준이력 정보 제공
Standard Number TTAK.KO-10.1436-Part2
Issued date 2024-12-06
Title Data Provision Model of E-prescription - Part 2: Terminology
Summary The purpose of this document is to define the terminology used in e-prescribing models designed for the electronic delivery of prescriptions. Because this standard is not standardized between hospitals and pharmacies, the companies that develop and supply EMRs for hospital care have interpreted it differently, resulting in documents that are published in various forms. Therefore, there is a need for standardization of electronic prescriptions. The purpose of this document is to provide terminology definitions to establish standards to facilitate the ease and reliability of electronic delivery of prescriptions between hospitals and pharmacies.