TTA Deliverables

표준자료검색 상세보기 - 표준종류, 표준번호, 구 표준번호, 제개정일, 한글 표준명, 영문 표준명, 한글 내용요약, 영문 내용요약, 관련 IPR 확약서, 관련파일, 표준이력 정보 제공
Standard Number TTAK.KO-10.1507
Issued date 2024-12-06
Title Three-dimensional Marine Hydrospatial Data Structure
Summary The purpose of this standard is to define a structure for spatial information data that is located on a body of water, where the data can be recorded as point locations in three or four dimensions and represented in the form of a volumetric hexahedron, to enable interoperability between ocean digital twins and numerical model data.