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ICT Standardization Strategy Map Ver. 2015 Published
TTA published its ‘ICT Standardization Strategy Map, Ver. 2015’ which contains its annual plans for responding to the rapidly changing international standardization environment. This publication suggests strategies for devising international standards for 23 key technologies and 362 items that require a focus on international standardization for six strategic ICT fields, which are ICT convergence, content/software, radio wave/mobile communications, communication networks, broadcasting and information security. The publication is comprised of six general reports—one for each field—and one summarized report. Each of the six general reports contains an overview of the standards for each technology, an analysis of domestic and international markets, technology development, the status of standardization activities and IPR, plans for responses to international standardization for items derived from the analysis data, domestic standardization promotion plans, plans to secure IPR, and details of linking technology development with standardization and standard essential patents. In addition, TTA separately published the ‘ICT Standard Utilization and Development Map Ver. 2015’ in a “single-presentation” format for each of the ICT fields to better enable comprehensive discussion on all the diverse and complicated ICT service structures and international standardization response strategies to address the rapid technological innovations and convergences that have been occurring. They were produced based on the ‘ICT Standardization Strategy Map Ver. 2015’ and configured in a way that the service structure for each of the six ICT strategic fields and a summary of international standardization strategies for items requiring new proposal promotion or of which international standardization is in progress and the related domestic and international standards can be grasped at a glance. These publications are being utilized as baseline references for national standardization planning. To promote application as guidelines for standardization activities of industrial, academic and research sectors, they are distributed widely and also posted at the TTA Korean website.