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EMVCo mobile tester accreditation

TTA has been accredited by EMVCo, an internationally recognized type approval and industrial standards organization for payment cards, mobile devices, terminals, and network infrastructure, as an international type approval body and will be offering relevant validation, certification, and consulting services beginning in 2018. In the past five years TTA, underpinned by the Ministry of Science and ICT, has been actively establishing relevant infrastructure in fintech, including offering technical support to small and medium-size enterprises, technical trouble-shooting services, and test beds. In particular, the association started playing the EMVCo technical associate role for the first time in Korea in 2016 and has been leading international fintech standards and technology. As a result, TTA was accredited by EMVCo as a MTA testing body in January. TTA’s EMVCo test, certification, and consulting services will help relevant local businesses save a great amount of money and time, making great contributions to EMVCo-certified companies’ overseas market development.

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