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TTA Renewed Qualification of the PTCRB Accredited Laboratories
The TTA renewed the qualification of the PCS-Type Certification Review Board (PTCRB) for 2017.

PTCRB was established in 1997, as North American mobile operators such as AT&T and T-Mobile led the way. It provides certification for mobile communication devices introduced in North America. Most mobile operators in North America demand that the products from their manufacturers pass the PTCRB certification test.

Starting in February 2005 with the implementation of GSM test equipment, TTA has acquired the qualification of PTCRB accredited laboratories and provided the internationally accredited test certification service with the aim to support the overseas exports of mobile device manufacturers at home and abroad. The PTCRB meeting is held four times a year. The meeting is divided into a closed meeting in which only mobile telecommunication carriers can participate and an open meeting where everyone can attend, depending on the characteristics of the member companies (operators, manufacturers, laboratories, etc.). In the closed meeting, the PTCRB operators review and approve the results that were discussed in the PVG (PTCRB Validation Group) meeting held before the PTCRB meeting. At the open meeting, there is a notice of the closed meeting decision and participants discuss other agenda items. Once per year, all PTCRB accredited laboratories are required to go through a renewal process for the accredited laboratory qualification. The PTCRB strictly manages the qualifications of each laboratory to make sure that it can conduct fair tests at all PTCRB-designated laboratories through this update process. All PTCRB-designated laboratories submit data on their contributions and performance for the test, including activities to set up test standards for a year before the 4th quarter meeting (held in December). Then, the PTCRB secretariat evaluates them and notifies the renewal of the accredited laboratories at the December meeting.

The TTA was informed by the PTCRB secretariat that it passed the renewal test of PTCRB accredited laboratories and, accordingly, acquired the qualification to continue to operate the PTCRB test certification works in 2017 as well.