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TTA Designated as Secretariat and COSD for National ICT Standards

On April 6, the National Radio Research Agency of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning designated TTA as the Secretariat and Cooperating Organization for Standardization Development (COSD) for national ICT standards. TTA has accumulated experience in adopting group standards in overall ICT technology, including wired and wireless communication, information protection, broadcast, software, and information technology convergence based on which it will serve as a platform for the development and management of national standards in ICT fields.

TTA’s designation covers 26 areas in total, including 16 related to JTC1 such as MPEG, software, and information protection and ten related to radio interference and EMC compliance, whereby the association will take administrative roles on the government’s behalf, for example, deliberating and announcing national standards, as well as national standard development and management including technical review, opinion hearing, and standard drafting. As the Secretariat for ISO/IEC international standards in the designated areas, TTA will play the key role in ICT standardization both nominally and virtually.
