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The International Conference on Software Safety 2015 Held
On December 1, 2015, TTA, together with the Software Policy and Research Institute (SPRi), held the "International Conference on Software Safety 2015" at COEX in Seoul as part of the software safety consulting project. Hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and organized by TTA and SPRi, this conference is aimed at improving software safety awareness and sharing related information by inviting international and domestic software safety scholars and experts from industries, academia and research sectors who provide lectures on software safety. With around 300 attendees from small and medium businesses, universities and research labs, the conference successfully introduced various subjects on software safety and provided an excellent venue for attendees to share their opinions.

Held for the first time in 2015, the International Conference on Software Safety provides an opportunity for ICT professionals to learn about software safety trends abroad through lectures given by famous speakers from countries possessing advanced software safety, such as the U.S., Germany and Japan, and to discuss software safety issues in aviation and security fields as well as trends occurring in the software safety industry of Korea and the associated human errors. Seo Seok-jin, Director General of the Software Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, emphasized through his congratulatory speech that securing software safety is the first step to ensuring national safety in a modern software-centered society and that it is the most important factor for improving the reliability of software safety for the general public. At the same time, Director General Seo urged cooperation among industries, academia and research sectors in order to secure software safety for the future. To improve software safety in Korea, TTA will make an effort for software safety assessment and consulting business for the national infrastructure system, which is directly related to the safety of the public.