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TTA enters into a certification testing agreement with WiMAX Forum
The secretariat of both WiMAX Forum and TTA officially announced that TTA of Korea (Secretary General Kim Hong-Koo) and WiMAX Forum (President Ron Resnick) entered into an agreement for certification testing on July 11th, 2006 (San Diego, US time).

TTA obtained its qualification as an WFDCL (WiMAX Forum Designated Certification Laboratory) from WiMAX Forum back in February, and an agreement was signed with WiMAX Forum prior to the launching of certification testing this coming December. Accordingly, TTA laid a solid foundation for the certification testing of mobile WiMAX (including WiBro) terminals and base stations for domestic and foreign market, and enabled Korea to become the global leader not only in WiBro R&D and service, but also in building an international testing and certification center.

As a result, TTA became the second WFDCL in the world, and the only certification and testing center in Korea to provide mobile WiMAX certificate testing.

Makers of mobile WiMAX terminals or base stations can take advantage of the certification and testing service provided by TTA in less amount of time without having to go abroad. Consequently, they can save testing expenses and launch their products in the domestic and overseas markets in shorter amount of time, thereby bringing huge economic benefits.

In addition, TTA, joint with the official testing equipment vendor of WiMAX Forum, will conduct a validation test for testing equipment. Completion of its validation of testing equipments and implementation of the quality system for the official testing center will be completed by the end of 2006 to offer certification and testing services.
About 370 companies around the world are jointly developing the standards for providing high-speed wireless Internet services and implementing a testing and certification system. This forum deals with the fixed (IEEE 802.16d) and mobile (IEEE 802.16e) broadband wireless communication technology. In particular, since mobile WiMAX, a technology identical to Korea's WiBro, is regarded as a 3.5-generation mobile communication method and huge demand is expected in this area.