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Smart Sign Language Broadcasting Service Presented at Media Festival for Disabled
TTA participated in the 2016 Media Festival for the Handicapped held by the Korea Communication Commission from May 25 to 27. The festival was organized to improve awareness of the handicapped and promote communications between the disabled and the able-bodied through media. It featured new media technologies that help improve the accessibility of the handicapped to media amid the rapidly changing media environments. TTA has been conducting a smart sign language broadcasting service project, which is intended to contribute towards offering the hearing-impaired and general audiences alike convenience in watching broadcasts in the rapidly developing smart-media environments. At this festival, TTA showcased a smart sign language service where broadcast images and sign language images are simultaneously displayed in separate screens of adjustable size and position.

Audiences included the handicapped, students, and the general public. Those who experienced the smart sign language broadcast considered the smart features such as sign language, image size adjustment and splitting to be both interesting and of considerable potential help for the hearing impaired.