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TTA Certifies First oneM2M IoT Products
TTA finished the testing of oneM2M server platforms and device middleware products developed by the three mobile communication service providers in Korea and granted them the world’s first oneM2M certification on May 10. Their products passed all test items for supported functions under the oneM2M standard specifications (Release 1). To ensure interoperability among oneM2M-based products and services, TTA started developing certification criteria and testing specifications for oneM2M server platforms, gateways and sensors in December 2015 and launched the oneM2M certification service under the “TTA Verified” scheme on April 5 2016. The first certification is expected to contribute greatly towards vitalizing the Internet of things (IoT) industry by ensuring interoperability among oneM2M products and services. TTA will continue expanding the domain of the oneM2M testing and certification.

** oneM2M is a standardization body for IoT formed by eight major standard organizations in the world in 2012 with the aim of resolving the interoperability issue among disparate and diverse IoT standards. TTA has been actively involved as a founding member.