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ICT Standardization Strategy Map Ver. 2016, 24 Key Technologies for 6 Strategic ICT Fields Selected
To respond to the rapidly changing international standardization environment, TTA selects key technologies for ICT fields based on an analysis of the domestic and international technology standardization environment (top-down) and a survey on the demand for standards in the private sector (bottom-up), and annually establishes a standardization strategy map for suggesting domestic and international standardization promotion strategies and directions as a linked plan. For ICT Standardization Strategy Map Ver. 2016, 24 key technologies that require a strategic response to international standardization were selected for 6 ICT fields (ICT Convergence, Software/ Contents, Radio Wave/ Mobile Communications, Communications Network, Broadcasting/ Media and Information Security). The 24 key technologies were derived through a preliminary investigation and survey, such as an analysis of the key items of standardization organizations, domestic and international ICT policy trends, reports from domestic and international research labs/institutes, and promising technologies selected by key media and the press together with a demand survey for ICT items to be standardized. The selection was finalized through a review by the Standardization Advisory Group (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning CPs—private R&D experts—by technology group). The development of the standardization strategy map for each key technology will be completed by October this year through a standardization planning team consisting of about 300 experts from industrial, academic and research sectors. Upon completion, the standardization strategy map will be utilized as a reference for the government's standardization policy making and standardization activities in the private sector.
