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ICT Technical Standard Consulting for SMBs in 2015
TTA has been providing consulting services to small and medium businesses for their ICT standard-based product development since March 2015. In 2014, TTA promoted a pilot project for standardizing excellent technologies and securing and responding to patents for standards in 2014 that has so far resulted in five standards and 12 patent analysis reports. As a result, TTA received almost perfect scores in the satisfaction assessment from the participating companies. In 2015, TTA will work on a pilot project for consulting on standards for companies intending to develop products and services using TTA standards. The consulting will specifically be for ICBM (IoT - Cloud Computing - Big Data - Mobile) related technologies. Based on questionnaires for a demand survey conducted between March 5th and the 18th, TTA will confirm the companies who will be provided extensive expert consulting support for a set period of time (up to five months) in various formats including mentor-mentee and expert group consulting during April. This will be a good opportunity for companies planning product and service developments to compete in the domestic and overseas markets based on standard technologies. In addition, TTA will continue to receive applications for the consulting service on technology trends and patent-related difficulties as in the past. The expert consulting service including the pilot project is provided for free. Details of the service and the questionnaire for the demand survey are available at the official TTA website (Ref: Notice No. 1333).