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ICT Standardization Strategy Maps 2017 Version Selects 30 Core Technologies in 10 Areas
With an aim to deal with the rapidly changing global ICT environment efficiently, TTA selects core technologies in the ICT and ICT convergent areas and develops standardization strategy maps as annual rolling plans based on the analysis of domestic and international standardization environments (top down) and surveys on standardization demands (bottom up). The 2017 version covers strategic technologies presented by the government’s ICT policy, for example, the K-ICT Strategy (March 2015) and the Comprehensive Action Plan for the 19 Future Growth Drive Engine (March 2016), as well as issues related to de facto standards such as forums, consortiums, and communities that have increasingly greater influence, for example, open source software. To develop substantial strategies, the existing core technologies have been subdivided or integrated, resulting in 30 core technologies chosen in 10 areas. In particular, detailed strategies have been developed based on the systemic analysis of standardization subjects in the areas of “intelligent information” and “smart devices” that were included in the featured section of the 2016 version, and strategic approaches to standardization and connections have been identified for the new area of “open source software.”

Standardization maps for each core technology will be developed by October this year by technical standard task forces that consist of 450 experts in standardization from academia, industry, and research, and they will be used as foundational information for the government to develop standardization policies and the private sector to conduct standardization activities.

10 areas in K-ICT strategy 30 core technologies (draft)
(*10 ICT-related technologies included in 19 future growth-drive-engine fields)
(comparison to 2016 version)
Convergent services *IoT, *smart transportation, smart agriculture, livestock and fisheries, *health ICT, smart home/work/city, e-navigation, *intelligent robots, and green ICT *Smart home/work expanded to include “smart city” standardization issues
Digital contents *Realistic/convergent e-publishing/e-learning, and games *”Realistic contents” subdivided
Softwares Web, open source software, and software quality evaluation *”Open source software” and “software quality evaluation” added
Foundational software/computing *Cloud computing/big data, and *intelligent information *”UI/UX” and “Contents search” in digital contents area integrated into “Intelligent information”
Mobile telecommunications *5G communications, WLAN, and WPAN/WBAN -
Radio wave/satellite *Satellite/UAV ICT, and radio wave applications -
Networks SDN/NFV, future networks, and optical networks -
Broadcast/smart media Realistic broadcast and smart media -
Security Common infrastructure security, network/device security, and service/convergence security -
ICT devices *Smart devices (including intelligent semiconductors) *”Mobile services” integrated into “smart devices”