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ICT Forum Korea 2015
The 15th ‘ICT Forum Korea’ was held this year on August 27 at the COEX Convention Center in Kangnam, Seoul. The ICT Forum Korea sponsored by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and hosted by TTA is an event where participants present the activities of various standardization forums. This year’s event featured no fewer than 36 'ICT Standardization Forums' selected by TTA and an in-depth presentation under 14 subjects of 3 technical sessions regarding ICT technology and standardization, which were discussed by the 230 experts and 1,600 members who attended. Also, at the opening ceremony of the 'K-ICT Technology Commercialization Festival,' which was held jointly with 'ICT Forum Korea 2015,' the ‘5G Forum’ and ‘e-Navigation Response Strategy Forum’ each won the Science, ICT and Future Planning Minister's Award for their contributions to domestic and international standardization activities last year.