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Joint Workshop for ICT International Standardization Experts/ Standardization Forums 2015 Held

The ‘Joint workshop for ICT international standardization experts/standardization forums 2015’ to seek directions for the linkage and efficient standardization activities between ICT international standardization experts and ICT standardization forums supported by TTA was held for two days from July 8th through the 9th at the Daemyung Resort in Hongcheon. 

At this workshop where around 70 people attended, including not only the chairpersons and principal researchers of standardization forums but also international standardization experts, ICT standardization policies for 2015 were discussed as well as plans for the promotion of international standardization experts/standardization forums, activities of the 5G Forum (which was selected as an exemplary forum last year), and plans of the 3D Printing Creativity and Convergence Standardization Forum (which is a new forum). In particular, the key issues of de facto standardization organizations, such as IEEE 802, IETF and W3C, and details of domestic experts’ activities were introduced to international standardization experts newly selected this year.

In addition, through a panel discussion, which was organized for the first time this year, the status of open sources, which have become an issue as of late in Korea, was introduced and open-source community insiders exchanged opinions about open source activation.

On the second day, participants engaged in in-depth discussions about strategies to become chairpersons and vice chairpersons of international standardization organizations and the associated effects with chairpersons and vice chairpersons of international standardization organizations from industrial entities, academia and research laboratories attending. Lastly, the participants spoke with one voice that TTA’s international standardization expert supporting project had been contributing considerably to the promotion of international standardization activities in Korea and agreed on the necessity of continuous support in the future.
