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The first ISO/IEC Plenary for IoT standardization
The Korean Radio Research Agency and the TTA hosted the first plenary meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 (Internet of things and related technologies) in Seoul from May 28 to June 2. SC41 was established under the ISO-IEC Joint Technical Committee (JTC1) last November, with Korea serving as the secretariat. This meeting was attended by 70 representatives from the 15 member countries including Korea and from international organizations who organized substructure and appointed chairmanship of subgroups. From Korea, Mr. Yongjin Kim (vice president of Modacom) was appointed the chairperson of WG5 (applications). While JTC1 has pursued standardization concerning the concept of the Internet of things (IoT) so far, decisions were made at this meeting to create study groups on relevant technologies such as wearable and industrial IoT. Standardization activities in a range of fields relating to IoT are also warranted. At the plenary, Korea attained members’ consensus on the standardization of semantic interoperability items to ensure IoT interoperability at the data level, which will expectedly give the country the initiative in future standardization activities. Meanwhile, a seminar on IoT standardization that was open to experts from home and abroad was held as a subsidiary event. Consisting of Korean IoT standardization activities and IoT standardization activities at JTC1/SC41, the seminar was intended to publicize the excellence of the nation’s IoT standardization activities and raise interest in SC41 activities among local experts.