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The 91st Information and Communication Standards Assembly

The 91st Information and Communication Standards Assembly was held on June 28 in the conference room on the ninth floor of the Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) office with the adoption of information and communication group standards as the key agendum. Fifty-three information and communication group standards were adopted at this assembly, including the “guidelines for the estimation of the size of network equipment” and the “guidelines for the estimation of the size of information system hardware.”

Adopting group standards on size estimation will help improve the efficiency of investment in informatization projects in the public sector. Also adopted were group standards closely related to citizens’ daily lives and for their convenience, for example, the “vehicle emergency rescue system (e-Call) standard” for automatic notification to rescuers in the event of a car accident and the “publishers’ production guidelines for teaching and learning materials for students with disability.” In addition, the Information and Communication Standardization Operating Procedures were revised at this assembly, under which notifications in newspapers will be required before abolishing a group standard to ascertain whether the standard is being used in actual practice.
