528 |
TTAI.KO-06.0026 |
Air Interface Interim Standard for Broadband Wireless Local Loop(In door unit) |
527 |
TTAE.IT-G991.1 |
High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) Transceivers |
526 |
TTAE.IT-G902 |
Framework Recommendation On Functional Access Networks |
525 |
TTAE.IT-G783 |
Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy(SDH) Equipment Functional Blocks |
524 |
TTAE.IT-G780 |
Vocabulary of terms for Synchronous DigitalHierarchy (SDH) networks and equipment |
523 |
TTAE.3G-35.204 |
Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms; Document4 : Design Conformance Test Data |
522 |
TTAE.3G-35.203 |
Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms; Document3 : Implementor's Test Data |
521 |
TTAE.3G-35.202 |
Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms;
Document2 : KASUMI Algorithm Specification |
520 |
TTAE.3G-35.201 |
Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms ; Document1 : f8 and f9 Specification |
519 |
TTAI.KO-06.0027 |
Standard on the methods ofMeasurement of Spurious Emissions |